Boehringer Ingelheim hosted the 3rd Companion Animal Technical Forum on April 26, 2019 at the Novotel Manila, Araneta Center with topics on parasites and treatment of parasitism in companion animals.
Dr. Virginia M. Venturina shared her study entitled “Profile of parasites, viruses and vector-borne pathogens of client-owned cats in Nueva Ecjica.” By far, this is the most extensive local study on parasites of dogs and cats which can provide additional information to the data in the country.

Dr. Oronan discussed about the updates of heartworm treatment in dogs and cats sharing the procedures recommended by the American Heartworm Society. The updated heartworm treatment will decrease adverse effects and complications of heartworm treatment while early prevention will prevent getting the infection.

Dr. Rouchelle B. Alonte discussed about “Treating Traumatic Myiasis and Demodecosis in a Male Dog with a Combination of Afoxolaner and Ivermectin.” While myiasis is a disease due to neglect, her experience in the treatment using the combination of afoxolaner, ivermectin was successful. This same protocol was also useful in the treatment of canine demodicosis.

Dr. Michael Valduin G. Banawa shared two topics: “Field Use of Oral Afoxolaner and Afoxolaner + Milbemycin Oxime in Treating Generalized Demodicosis” and “Vombination of Topical Fipronil, S-Methoprene. Eprinomectin and Praziquantel in Treating Notoedric Mange Cases.” In both papers, the combinations of drugs have proven effective in the treatment of the respective parasitic skin problems.

The event was culminated with words of reminder, encouragement and gratitude from Dr. Apple Nagera.

VPAP served as the CPD provider for the event. (Rey B. Oronan | Photos courtesy of BI)